Analysis of Cell Phone Use in Teenagers Toward Sexual Deviant ,Proceeding ICOF OK-halaman
Oktavianis* & Devi Anggrani Dewi Rahmadani
Cell phone, Pornography, Sexual deviant behavior
Abstract :
Background: Cell phones among teenagers have a very bad effect on daily life, they
use cell phones to view pornographic or sexual videos from the internet. The results of
research conducted by Roviqoh reported that respondents who were aroused had
watched porn by 84.4% and 2.2% ended up having sexual intercourse and 31.5%
masturbation. Pornography causes high sex drive in male adolescent respondents
50.1% and in female respondents 5.1%. This study aimed to explore how the use of
cell phones in adolescents toward sexually deviant behavior in high school 2 Lubuk
Methods: This study used a qualitative design with in-depth interviews and
documentation data collection techniques. Informants in this study were informants of
actors and informants of observers. The principal informants are guidance and
counseling teachers. The observing informants were students of class XXII. Data
analysis includes source triangulation and method triangulation.
Results: The results of the study were students use cell phones for less than 20
Conclusion: Sexual deviant behavior carried out by teenagers in using cell phones
was by accessing pornography on their cell phones, so that there was a stimulus to
teenagers, especially teenage boys in terms of masturbation after seeing and knowing
from content or films about sexual or pornographic.
use cell phones to view pornographic or sexual videos from the internet. The results of
research conducted by Roviqoh reported that respondents who were aroused had
watched porn by 84.4% and 2.2% ended up having sexual intercourse and 31.5%
masturbation. Pornography causes high sex drive in male adolescent respondents
50.1% and in female respondents 5.1%. This study aimed to explore how the use of
cell phones in adolescents toward sexually deviant behavior in high school 2 Lubuk
Methods: This study used a qualitative design with in-depth interviews and
documentation data collection techniques. Informants in this study were informants of
actors and informants of observers. The principal informants are guidance and
counseling teachers. The observing informants were students of class XXII. Data
analysis includes source triangulation and method triangulation.
Results: The results of the study were students use cell phones for less than 20
Conclusion: Sexual deviant behavior carried out by teenagers in using cell phones
was by accessing pornography on their cell phones, so that there was a stimulus to
teenagers, especially teenage boys in terms of masturbation after seeing and knowing
from content or films about sexual or pornographic.